This series, titled Pink Flamingos, is an affirmation of the power of nature, its beauty and its immensity. But also the pure expression of art that has no borders, we meet with another reality.
The landscape I captured is the Camargue (South of France) where I saw for the first time the pink flamingos in their natural environment. I was touched by the beauty, the calm and the immense space of this place. I watched the stages of the sunset changing the colors of the landscape until it disappeared behind the horizon. From warm to cold shades, it revealed different feelings in me. Inspired by this moment, I decided that I would paint it one day and that it would become a series of paintings that, through the colors, would express different emotions, it would become an emotional landscape.
The composition of each painting is based on a constant horizon line. This arbitrary division acts as a bridge between heaven and earth, creating a dialogue between two worlds – the real and the dream, the known and the unknown. The horizon is an illusion, there is no border between these two worlds. The sky is reflected in the water. These two spaces influence each other and merge into one on the canvas, which gives a feeling of openness on its limited surface.The horizon is also based on a golden ratio which creates a sense of peaceful space for the viewer.